As is to be expected, fans who pledge money to Night Dive Studios’ crowdfunding project for the System Shock reboot will receive various rewards. These will include a physical copy of the game along with a collector’s edition box that’s set to launch on both PC and Xbox One, a miniature, a manual, a Razer-brand laptop with designs reminiscent of System Shock, and more to come with the designation of various backer tiers.

With System Shock still being a work in progress, its important to note that the Kickstarter operation will be as well, for Night Dive Studios has declared other rewards are still being revised ahead of the crowdfunding campaign’s launch. Not to mention, upon playing the demo, some fans will more than likely encounter unfinished parts of the game.

As seen in Night Dive Studios’ initial trailer of gameplay footage for its reboot of Looking Glass Technologies’ 1994 release of the same name, it seems as if developers are intent on providing a fresh take on the title while retaining the look and feel of the original. As Night Dive Studios’ CEO Stephen Kick puts it, the creators of the new System Shock are prepared to deliver an experience that’s both familiar, yet too unconventional to simply be considered a remaster anymore.

While some fans might not consider Night Dive Studios to be a developer reputable enough to make a solid System Shock reboot, it’s worth mentioning that it has successfully obtained the rights to lots of classic video games, refined and updated them, and then released them through platforms like Steam. The team has already done this with a lot of older IPs like Turok, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, Tex Murphy, Putt-Putt, as well as Wizardry. Of course, considering the fact that Night Dive Studios is going the Kickstarter route to fund the System Shock reboot, there’s the possibility of it launching disappointingly like Mighty No. 9, but instead of simply being announced as a concept like the 2D platformer, Night Dive Studios’ offering of a demo upon the campaign’s launch is a good sign of its competence and confidence in handling the project.

The System Shock reboot is slated for a multi-platform release sometime next year, with its Kickstarter campaign set to begin on June 29, 2016.

Source: Polygon (via VG 24/7)