The re-release of the cult classic tactical RPG is tough, and the changes to the balancing mean that players might need some help if they played older versions of Let Us Cling Together. Pay attention to the skills below, and the early hours will be significantly easier to manage. Some of these skills are exclusive to classes that are not unlocked until a little later, but players can still get these earlier if they know how.

7 Pincer Attack

Many of the melee classes in Tactics Ogre: Reborn have this attack unlocked early into their progression. With Pincer Attack equipped, other allies surrounding an enemy will also attack once the main unit has initiated its first offensive move. This means one move can cause two or three times as much damage to an enemy.

This is an especially useful tactic early in the game because mages have yet to obtain offensive magic that damages multiple targets. Once they do, players have to be careful not to bunch up too many of their units, because enemies can then damage several units at once.

6 Meditate

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of MP in Tactics Ogre: Reborn. Almost every class uses it for their skills and spells. At the beginning of a round, all units start out with no MP, and they gain a little with each turn. Many classes based around magic have the Meditate skill that, when activated, gives that character a boost of MP.

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This is enough to perform at least one spell during that turn. As the unit levels up, they earn higher-ranked versions of the skill, giving them more MP. It is unfortunate that some classes do not have it, but even one character having it gives the whole party an advantage.

5 Double Attack

Double Attack allows the character to attack twice in one turn if they have two one-handed weapons equipped. This is par for the course with the Ninja Class. This class typically is not available until the game’s third chapter, but players can unlock the card before it is available in the shop.

If players take the lawful route through the game, which has them agree to the Balmamusa Massacre, they will fight Gousin Blum. Upon his death, the enemy drops three classmarks for the ninja. Otherwise, the player have to wait until near the end of Chapter 2 or the start of Chapter 3, which is still relatively early in the game (between 10 and 15 hours depending on skill level).

4 Mighty Impact

This is a simple skill, but one that can get units out of a bind nonetheless. Mighty Impact simply guarantees a critical hit with 100% accuracy.

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This skill costs MP, so players cannot simply activate it whenever they want. Instead, it should be saved for when it is particularly helpful. Finishing moves eventually become more useful, but until then, Mighty Impact is the way to go. The other good thing about this skill is that players can activate it and then attack in the same turn.

3 Mother’s Blessing

This skill is used by any mage with healing magic. When equipped and activated, it doubles the effectiveness of any healing magic. Healing magic is not quite as effective as healing items most of the time, but in the early chapters, players have to be careful not to overuse items since money is at a premium. Healing magic also has a longer range than healing items, so that is another advantage of it to consider.

Eventually, players can farm infinite goth quite easily once crafting is unlocked because some items sell for more than they cost to make. Until then, Mother’s Blessing will help players save goth and use magic instead.

2 Exorcism

Undead enemies add an extra layer of challenge to battles. When their HP reaches zero, they are knocked out and a counter pops up over their sprite. Once the counter gets down to zero after three turns, they get up again with reduced health.

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They will do this forever unless players are able to take out all the enemies before one revives itself. The Exorcism skill will make battles against these types of units a tad easier. When used on an undead enemy who is currently KO’d, they are permanently taken out of the battle and usually transformed into an item bag or a card.

1 Fearful Impact

The Terror Knight class is available to buy from the shop in Chapter 2. This character has some disadvantages like its slow speed, but it more than makes up for it with its skills and finishing moves. One of the class’s first skills is Fearful Impact.

This skill is a lot like Mighty Impact, except this adds Frighten to the enemy, which weakens both the enemy’s attack and defenses. It is absolutely invaluable against stronger units in battle. Even if a white mage takes away the negative status effect, that character still wasted a turn doing so instead of healing another unit.

Tactics Ogre: Reborn came out on November 11th, 2022 and is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, Nintendo Switch, and PC

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