According to VGC, which cites an article published on Axios recently, there is a possibility that Grand Theft Auto 6 may arrive within the next couple of years, March 2024 to be a bit more precise. How this conclusion was reached boils down to an analysis of Take-Two’s financial update, which may point to the aforementioned date. Analysts interpret the information, saying that the company expects a 14% increase on annual growth rate in 2024, indicating that a large IP could be coming out that year, particularly in the first quarter.

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One analyst has said that this increase could come down to Rockstar being scheduled to release something big around this time, which would explain such “confidence” in the growth. Take-Two already acquired Farmville creator Zynga for a record $12.7 billion recently, which hints at possible mobile ports of Rockstar titles, including GTA and Read Dead Redemption. In general, it looks as though the holding company has a lot in store.

Of course, it does need to be said at this stage that these are mere speculations. While fans would love to know of the whereabouts of Grand Theft Auto 6, the truth is that the studio is keeping very quiet about whether it’s even in development. The report even says that there is a possibility that this date could be wrong, given that GTA 5 was delayed to late 2013. But the news still points towards some glimmer of hope for at least a launch year.

With the disastrous launch of Grand Theft Auto: Definitive Edition last November, fans are no doubt hungry for something new in the franchise. The remastered trilogy may be seeing improvements, and Rockstar has apologized for how botched the launch was, but it’s safe to assume that GTA 6 is what fans are really after. But if the interpretations are to believed, it could still be at least two more years until it sees the light of day.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is rumored to be in development.

MORE: It’s Been 10 Years Since Grand Theft Auto 5 Was Revealed And GTA 6 is Still Nowhere to Be Found

Source: VGC, Axios