Recently, Take-Two Interactive filed a patent which it refers to as a “system and method for virtual navigation in a gaming environment.” As can be expected when something like this crops up, gamers are dissecting the patent in an attempt to unearth anything that could lead to details about Grand Theft Auto 6. These are just speculations at this stage, but it hasn’t prevented one user on Twitter from delving deep into the nitty-gritty to try and piece it all together.

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User Big Jim Colosimo posted on social media recently to give their thoughts on what the patent could mean and whether it could potentially relate to GTA 6 or at least GTA’s online world. One claim states that part of this system involves virtual navigation to support one or more non-player characters, which could indicate that GTA 6 is looking to use some sort of dedicated server for online play. It also talks about player consoles, pathfinding and servers. These may be just buzz words, but many gamers can piece together that what’s being discussed here is likely to be an online game with AI controlled characters. Again, these are just theories at this stage.

Another interesting thing is the mention of a system that avoids in-game car duplication bugs, which again could indicate that Take-Two are looking at an online system, specifically one that reduces car glitches in an open world. Not to mention the patent office granting a system for “session management in a multiplayer network gaming environment.” As this is a patent filed by Take-Two Interactive, it’s difficult for the information to not lead people down a GTA 6 path.

Naturally, the patent itself doesn’t mention the name Grand Theft Auto, let alone GTA 6 anywhere in the text, but it’s an interesting read for fans with enough technical know-how to be able to pull apart key aspects of it. Unfortunately, speculations are just that: speculations. As of now, there’s not a lot to be said about the game, except for the recent rumors of a Grand Theft Auto female protagonist. Until these rumors are verified, fans will just have to keep digging deep.

MORE: Grand Theft Auto 6 Should Be More Like GTA 4 Than GTA 5 in One Way

Source: Twitter