Rather than stating the obvious, that Microsoft and Sony are trying to copy the success that Nintendo enjoyed by throwing their own hats into the motion control ring, Feder chose to look at the next-gen consoles as an option for gamers who want more out of their console. With rumors of triple-A titles getting move support, his theory seems sound enough:

Hmm… if I know Nintendo fanboys, and I like to think I do, then I’m guessing Mr. Feder may not want to take a look at the comments section of next month’s Nintendo Power. But let’s take a closer look at what he’s saying: Kinect and Move are acting as a method of stealing gamers away from their Wiis by offering better graphic and game engines. Basically, exactly what Microsoft and Sony want to hear.

“The PlayStation 3 with Move, in my view, is the Wii HD system…I think maybe Mom isn’t playing, but the kids are ‘graduating,’ and Microsoft and Sony have both provided a bridge to bring them over… I believe [Nintendo] raised a generation of kids to play video games that are now growing up and wanting a true HD experience.”

While we happen to think that that strategy is a bad one for the companies, this is an executive who’s company oversees Rockstar Games, 2K Sports, heck, Electronic Arts even tried to buy them outright. So if the words are coming from his mouth, they carry some weight. His argument isn’t surprising, or unheard of, but it is one that I haven’t thought much about. It also classifies the Wii as a system for “moms” or people who don’t need an HD experience. So can hardcore gamers not play Wii? Confusing, since Take Two’s NHL 2k11 is a Wii-exclusive.

What do you guys think? Do you see wisdom in his words, or are you tired of the tongue-in-cheek insulting ad campaigns or competition between the motion controlled consoles?

Source: Gamasutra