Diuretics are commonly known as “water pills” and they treat several conditions, including hypertension (high blood pressure), heart failure, and kidney problems. For blood pressure, they may be used alone or added to another medication.

Classes of diuretics include:

Thiazide diureticsLoop diureticsPotassium-sparing diuretics

Thiazide Diuretics

Thiazide diuretics are used to treat blood pressure and also to get rid of excess fluid, or edema, in patients with heart failure, liver disease, steroid use, and estrogen-replacement therapy.

Some common thiazide diuretics used to treat hypertension include:


Loop Diuretics

Loop diuretics are used to treat edema in congestive heart failure as well as kidney and liver disease. They work by blocking the reabsorption of fluid that passes through your kidneys, and then you pass that excess fluid as urine.

Other loop diuretics are:

Lasix (furosemide)Bumex (bumetanide)Demadex (torsemide)Edecrin (ethacrynic acid)

Potassium-Sparing Diuretics

Potassium-sparing diuretics are often used at the same time as other diuretics to maintain the potassium balance in your body. They don’t lower blood pressure significantly when used alone. Potassium-sparing diuretics include:


Side Effects

Diuretics can cause numerous side effects, including some that may be dangerous. The specific side-effect profile is different for each drug, so you’ll want to get familiar with the one(s) you’re taking.

In general, some common side effects of diuretics include:

Frequent urination: You may need to urinate more often than usual after taking a diuretic. This symptom usually subsides after a few hours. Electrolyte imbalance: You can lose electrolytes (including sodium and potassium, depending on the drug) in your urine when you are taking a diuretic, so your healthcare provider may monitor your blood chemistry while you’re taking these drugs. Weakness and fatigue: These side effects usually resolve after a few weeks, as you get used to the drug. Muscle cramps: This can occur when a diuretic leads to low potassium levels. In some cases, healthcare providers recommend a daily potassium supplement for their patients on diuretics. Don’t just assume you need one, though. This is a decision that’s best made with your healthcare provider. Dizziness, blurred vision: These symptoms can result from dehydration. Watch for symptoms, which include decreased urine output, excessive thirst or mouth dryness, or dark-colored urine. Let your healthcare provider know the drug could be dehydrating you.

Less common side effects are:

Increase in blood sugar levels in diabeticsAttacks of goutImpotence in men (rarely)

As with any drug, diuretics sometimes cause dangerous side effects. Contact your healthcare provider right away if you notice any of the following symptoms:

FeverSore throat and mouth ulcersUnexplained bleeding or bruisingRinging in your ears

Important Concerns

Dozens of different antihypertensive medications are on the market, and each one has its pros and cons. Your healthcare provider can go over the risks and benefits with you. Your pharmacist is also a great resource for information about how medications may affect you.

To protect your health, you should be aware of several things about taking diuretics to control your hypertension.

When you healthcare provider prescribes a diuretic (or any drug), make sure they’re aware of any medications—prescription or over-the-counter—that you’re taking. This includes nutritional supplements and herbal remedies, as well. Consider taking your diuretic in the morning, so you won’t be up at night going to the bathroom. While you’re on a diuretic, your healthcare provider may want to monitor your blood pressure, electrolyte levels, and kidney function regularly, so be certain to keep all of your appointments as scheduled. Remember that diuretics can cause abnormal levels of potassium or sodium. If you’re taking a potassium-sparing diuretic, your healthcare provider may tell you to avoid foods that are rich in potassium. These foods include some salt substitutes. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding shouldn’t use diuretics. Lifestyle factors, like smoking and salty foods, can keep your medicine from working effectively. Let your healthcare provider know if you need help or guidance giving up cigarettes or making healthy changes to your diet.

Managing Your Blood Pressure

Keeping your blood pressure at a good level is important to your health, and prescription drugs are only part of the solution to hypertension. It can also help if you:

Take your medicines as prescribedCheck your blood pressure at the same time each day, if your healthcare provider wants you to track it

Lifestyle changes may help you control your blood pressure with lower doses of medication, or they may allow you to go off of medication altogether. These include:

Eating a healthy dietMaintaining a healthy weightExercising regularly