Gamers were hoping for some serious surprise announcements from this year’s VGX 2013, and the first certainly didn’t disappoint. The game in question is Tales From The Borderlands, giving award-winning studio Telltale Games the keys to the world of Borderlands.

Promising a chance to put Telltale’s talent for developing compelling narratives and story-based adventures to work on one of the most unique and successful game franchises in recent years, the first trailer for Tales From The Borderlands may just have fans of both franchises wondering why it didn’t happen sooner.

That’s not to take anything away from the developers at Gearbox Software, who have made a name for themselves in terms of writing and story as well. But according to Gearbox’s Randy Pitchford, the collaboration began after representatives from both studios met after last year’s awards show (a show in which both Borderlands 2 and Telltale’s The Walking Dead received serious accolades).

Citing Telltale’s strength in developing strong worlds with a unique style, first with The Walking Dead, and most recently with their adaptation of the “Fables” comic series, The Wolf Among Us, Pitchford claimed that the studio seemed like the perfect team to add a new chapter within the company’s post-apocalyptic landscape.

Of course, anyone fearing the the serious, mature tone of The Walking Dead may not be a perfect match for the wry humor of Borderlands can rest easy, as the announcement trailer shows that the irreverent humor and surreal tone of the property looks to be completely intact. How the story of the two Vault-hunters in question will be worked into the overall fiction remains to be seen, but the talent of both studios alone will be enough to get fans of both interested.


What do you think of the pairing? Does Tales From the Borderlands seem like a match made in heaven, or do you have your doubts? Sound off in the comments.

We’ll keep you posted as more information is released, but for now, stay tuned for more news on the trailers and announcements coming from VGX 2013 here.

More: Watch All The Trailers From The Spike VGX

Tales From The Borderlands is currently without a release date or supported platforms.

Follow Andrew on Twitter @andrew_dyce.