What words do they use to describe his beliefs? In what environment was Giuliani raised? What relatives illustrated the “proximity of good and bad?”

How is his father characterized?

Where did Giuliani go to school?

What was his first exposure to politics?

What vocation did he consider while still in high school?

Why did he give it up?

What was his life like during the tumultuous 1960s?

Who was Giuliani’s mentor as a young lawyer? How did that mentor further Giuliani’s career?

What were the details of the “French Connection” case?

How was Giuliani involved?

According to the story, what value does Giuliani place on loyalty?

What examples do Thomas and Smalley provide?

As mayor, how did Giuliani approach crime in New York City?

Who was his police commissioner? How does the story describe their relationship?

What conclusion does the story draw about the influence of Giuliani’s upbringing on his moral makeup?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-15” author: “Shawn Lakin”

How have third-party candidates fared in past elections?

What is Bloomberg’s background?

What factors would help Bloomberg decide whether to run for president?

What are some of Bloomberg’s personality traits?

What kind of student was Bloomberg?

How has being Jewish affected Bloomberg’s personality and experiences?

How does Bloomberg feel about the United States?

How does he feel about his job? What is Bloomberg’s family life like?

What is the culture like at Bloomberg’s company?

What kind of leader is Bloomberg in his job as mayor of New York?

What has he accomplished?

What does Bloomberg say about Iraq and Iran?

What does he say about current U.S. leaders and presidential candidates?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-07” author: “Rosa Posson”

How does he link this remembrance to Musharraf’s current troubles?

What action did Musharraf take on Nov. 3?

What groups of people were the targets of that action?

What is his relationship with the nation’s Supreme Court?

Who talked Musharraf out of declaring emergency rule a year ago? What have been the results of his current declaration?

What positive things has Musharraf done for Pakistan?

What domestic and international support has he received? According to Zakaria, what mistakes has he made?

What role does the Army have in Pakistan?

What is the military’s relationship with Musharraf?

What is its relationship with the West?

What does Zakaria think is the best course for Pakistan?

Why does he see the current chaos as a possible “sign of progress?”

How has civil society shown its strength?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-07” author: “Jan Pestana”

What does this tell you about her?

As a young person, what feelings did she have about the language of her culture?

How did she act out those feelings?

How did those feelings follow her into adulthood?

What decisions did she make as a result?

How did those decisions affect her role as a parent?

What caused her to rethink those decisions?

What changes did she make in her life?

How did those changes affect her?

How did they affect her children?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-10” author: “Billy Peden”

What did Edwards expect would happen in the upcoming primaries?

What is happening instead?

What strategy is Edwards using in Iowa?

What is John Edwards’s background? What kind of lawyer was he?

How did Edwards get involved in politics?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-23” author: “Barbara Winfield”

What does Newsweek say about their ideas?

What evidence does the article provide?

How have the two candidates been competing?

What question does the author say is coming up?

How does each candidate answer it?

How are the two candidates positioning themselves?

What does each worry about?

Who is the wild card in the equation?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-02” author: “Steven Bedolla”

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-07” author: “Rita Goff”

Who has been criticizing John McCain? What have critics been saying?

What does Newsweek’s poll show about McCain’s standing among Republicans?

How has McCain been dealing with his critics?

What do surveys show about McCain versus a Democratic candidate?

How might McCain fit Americans’ new “political mood”? How does Newsweek describe McCain’s persona?

How did the Conservative Political Action Committee receive McCain? What is significant about that?

How has McCain “sinned” against conservative orthodoxy? How is he trying to reach out to conservatives?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-31” author: “Barry Baughn”

What was the reaction of some ethnic Serbs in the region?

What is the Serbian government’s position?

How do the United States and major European countries view Kosovo’s action? Why does Russia oppose it?

What is the timetable for establishing Kosovo’s borders? What might Serbia do to prevent Kosovo’s independence?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-12” author: “Eva Siddique”

What does the company see as the purpose of maintaining a list of friends on the site?

How many friends does the average Facebook user list?

Why does consultant Jeff Pulver object to Facebook’s limit on the number of friends?

What is the “friend” policy at MySpace?

How does the company define the term?

According to Newsweek’s Steven Levy, what are the social perils of maintaining and joining such lists?

How do different generations respond to those perils?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-06” author: “Janet Smith”

On what voters does Newsweek think the November election may hinge?

What challenge does Obama face now?

How has Obama’s campaign team worked so far?

What do they intend to do as they face John McCain in the November election?

How did McCain respond to an anti-Obama ad in North Carolina?

What information about Obama are McCain’s aids gathering?

What are 527s? How might they affect the campaign?

Who are Floyd Brown and David Bossie?

How might “aiming low” backfire for Republicans?

How does the Obama campaign team say they will behave differently than John Kerry’s 2004 campaign team?

Who are David Axelrod and David Plouffe? What have they helped Obama accomplish?

How has Obama’s personality helped his campaign?

How does Obama’s leadership style differ from George W. Bush’s?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-06” author: “Matthew Baker”

From what point of view do others see it?

According to Gross, what were not factors in the price increase?

What percentage of the world’s oil does America consume? Historically, how has that affected oil prices? How is that changing?

What other regions are “gobbling up oil?” What statistics back up this assertion?

What region is now the world’s largest consumer of oil? Why?

What has affected increased oil consumption in the Middle East?

What is the consumption projection for 2008?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-25” author: “Laronda Ackman”

What is the GOP’s core ideology?

On what has the GOP’s success been based?

What effect has George W. Bush had on that?

What advantage do the Democrats have in 2008? How have the different Republican candidates dealt with George W. Bush’s record and legacy?

What mission does Thomas suggest Republicans take on?

What does history suggest will lead to a successful presidency?

What examples does the article give?

What has George W. Bush learned during his presidency?

What image does each of the Republican candidates project about himself?

What might the next president do as an antidote to the current state of affairs in Washington politics?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-07” author: “Edward Barlett”

What does the word “torn” describe in the article?

What dichotomies does Newsweek’s Jon Meacham see in the Democratic primary?

What happened to Clinton in Portsmouth, NH last week? How did it affect her?

What did Barack Obama say to Hillary Clinton during the New Hampshire debate? What did many people find offensive about it?

How did the loss in Iowa affect Clinton’s behavior in New Hampshire?

How has Clinton contributed to her negative image?

What did Bill Clinton say that offended many African Americans? What did Hillary Clinton say that offended many African Americans?

What are the “two different versions of the same movie” that Clinton stars in? That Obama stars in?

What stories does Meacham tell about Hillary’s childhood?

What role does Clinton’s religion play in her political career?

How has Obama dealt with the tension between gender and race?

What does Clinton say about why people voted for George W. Bush?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-16” author: “Rachel Harris”

What issue might their points raise in voters’ minds?

How have class differences been a part of past campaigns?

Why is the effect of race on voters’ decisions difficult to determine?

How does a current Newsweek poll reflect the issue of race?

What is ironic about the fact that Obama is accused of being elitist?

In what ways is he seen as the “other” by some Americans?

What has helped fuel these views?

What past Democratic candidates have been given the “elite” label?

How has growth of the campaign media affected what voters know about personal preferences and habits?

Why is Obama frustrated about portrayals of him and his family?

How does his background—and that of his wife—counter those portrayals?

What image of him does his campaign adviser provide?

How do current demographic statistics back up the fact that core Democratic voters have changed?

With what category of voters does Obama most struggle?

If Obama wins the Democratic nomination, what is expected to be the strategy of John McCain?

According to the story, what does Obama need to do to get the nomination and win the presidency?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-29” author: “Maria Mrotek”

Why is the world watching its actions against Uighur and Tibetan minorities?

What audience does the nation seem to care most about pleasing?

How has international opinion affected the traditional Olympic torch relay? How has it affected Olympic events and sponsors?

How are sponsors trying to counter protests?

When Beijing was awarded this summer’s Olympic Games, what was the hope for the nation?

How has that hope translated into even more crackdowns on dissent?

What happened on March 10 to make the situation more volatile? How did the violence spread?

Previous to that, how had China already come under criticism? How has the Chinese government responded to this criticism?

How does its tough stance affect Chinese youth? Why?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-27” author: “Victor Sumpter”

What are the challenges for today’s farmers? How are they often regarded by others?

What examples does Kerschner provide?

Why has she answered what she describes as “one of man’s highest callings?”

What has she—and others like her—given up?

What are the advantages for a “small” farmer?

What do they offer their customers?

What is Kerschner’s relationship to them?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-05” author: “John Porter”

What made divorce more possible in the1970s than it had been before?

What do studies show about children of divorce?

What did Jefferson set out to do?

What did many kids with divorced parents say they felt? What kinds of experiences did they have as children?

How did some of Jefferson’s classmates deal with going back and forth between their parents’ homes?

What did Jefferson say in his graduation speech?

What does Jefferson conclude about how his generation has reacted to the culture of divorce?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-16” author: “Andrew Raber”

In what ways has her candidacy caused many women to explore themselves and their differences?

Why does Lithwick see such “group therapy” as a luxury?

What was the most important issue to voters in Texas and Ohio?

How does she describe “identity politics?”

What does she say is a more pragmatic approach to the political choices we face?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-15” author: “Jeffrey Corrado”

How does Obama explain it?

How did Obama come to understand his unique experience?

How does Obama connect his personal story to the story of the United States?

How did living in Indonesia affect Obama?

What did Obama become more aware of during his adolescence?

What was Obama’s experience like in Hawaii?

How do different friends explain Obama’s changing from Barry to Barack?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-06” author: “Russel Ivie”

Who is Michael Gerson? What anecdote does he choose to pay respect to Buckley’s talent and character? According to Gerson, in what way did Buckley transform conservatism? How did he view the movement? How did he use language and civility to communicate his opinions? Why does Gerson see him as an embodiment of the conservative movement?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-19” author: “David Hawkins”

What objections do people raise about surrogacy?

Why are estimates of the number of surrogate births probably inaccurate?

How has IVF technology improved?

What effects has the improvement had?

What was the “Baby M” affair? What has been the result?

What stereotypes do people have of surrogates?

What rewards do surrogate mothers experience?

What reasons does the article give for military wives becoming surrogates?

How do other countries view surrogacy?

What kind of relationships do surrogates have with intended parents?

title: “Talk About It” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-05” author: “Peter Herrera”

What evidence supports this theory?

What radical approach to treating food allergies are researchers studying?

What triggers an allergic reaction?

What is immunotherapy?

What is one hypothesis about why the United States have increasing numbers of people with peanut allergies?

How do schools accommodate kids with food allergies?

How many children have food allergies?

What percentage of children have food allergies?