Most recently, a digital artist on Instagram under the handle ‘@parker_luck394’ posted an image of Kingsman star Taron Egerton as the Adamantine-clawed superhero. Sporting the iconic hairstyle, a grungy white tee, and a cigar in the corner of his mouth, Egerton looks pretty convincing as a young Logan.

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The fan art comes just a little over a year after rumors of Egerton succeeding Jackman as Wolverine were at an all-time high. In response to the buzz, Egerton told Yahoo Entertainment in an interview that the rumors were “unfounded” and that he was simply just a fan of the MCU films.

While he was flattered to hear that fans wanted him to take up the role, he also said he was baffled as there were other characters he believed he would be more suited for. That said, he still admitted that he would be totally open to playing Wolverine in the MCU “if the phone rang,” adding that if there is any mutant in the X-Men series that an actor should want to play, “it’d probably be that one.”

Though, not everyone shares that sentiment - just recently, The Lord of the Rings star Viggo Mortensen spoke about the time he turned down the role of Wolverine in the X-Men films. In an interview with Josh Horowitz, Mortensen revealed that he had sat down with director Bryan Singer in the days when the franchise was just about to be born and was turned off by the idea of committing to an endless run of movies playing the same character over and over.

He also said that his son Henry read the script and saw that it was “wrong” in that Singer was clearly taking certain liberties with the character. Ultimately, Mortensen didn’t feel comfortable attaching himself to those inconsistencies, so he decided to pass on the role.

It ended up working out, though, because Jackman’s portrayal of Wolverine became such a success that it’s hard for fans to picture anyone else playing that character. The Russo brothers themselves have said it’s going to be difficult to relaunch Wolverine in the MCU:

“To realize him on screen, it’s very hard because Hugh Jackman’s performance is definitive. It’s like Batman; you have to really think of a way to, you have to really find the right actor to come in and give a really different take to that character. But I would really love to see him on screen.”

Needless to say, should Marvel actually go through with bringing in the X-Men into the MCU, they better get at least Wolverine right for the sake of the fans.

The X-Men films are now streaming on Disney+.

MORE: ‘Shazam!’ Director Reveals Surprising Connection Between His Film And ‘Logan’

Source: parker_luck384|Instagram